Don’t Miss Out on the Giving Campaign!

There are five days remaining in our holiday giving campaign.  If you have not yet cleaned your closet or pantry it is not too late.  We are challenging you to start a new tradition this year — use the holiday season as a marker for cleaning your closets and pantries and then giving unused items to those in need.  Start this great holiday tradition!  There is no time like the present.  (See previous posts for additional information)

Sharing Photos
Post one photo that captures your giving spirit with the tag #HSTGivingTradition to Instagram from November 20, 2013 to December 24, 2013 and get an opportunity for some great stocking stuffers – top Christian reading material from Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and others!  In addition, once your picture is posted and verified you will be rewarded with $1.00 off a He Speaks Today card through our comment on your picture.  View our campaign…#HSTGivingTradition

He Speaks Today cards that emphasize the principle of giving

Clothes with Tags? Cans in Your Pantry for Months?

Our holiday giving call to action campaign continues.  Are there articles of clothing in your closet that belong to someone else?  Maybe they are too large.  Maybe they are too small.  Maybe they’ve carried tags for two or three years.  In this holiday season, consider giving them to their rightful owners–needy people on which they fit like a glove.

We at He Speaks Today are challenging you to start a new tradition this year — use the holiday season as a marker for cleaning your closets and pantries and then giving unused items to those in need.  Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of   the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.   Matthew 25:40

Sharing Photos
If you are like most of us at He Speaks Today, you typically give without thinking.  This time, however, we are asking you to consider stepping out — sharing the beginning of your new family giving tradition in order to stimulate others.  Post one photo that captures your giving spirit with the tag #HSTGivingTradition to Instagram from November 20, 2013 to December 24, 2013 and get an opportunity for some great stocking stuffers – top Christian reading material from Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and others!  In addition, once your picture is posted and verified you will be rewarded with $1.00 off a He Speaks Today card through our comment on your picture.  View our campaign…#HSTGivingTradition

He Speaks Today cards that emphasize the principle of giving